Mr. Munichowdappa N

Assistant Professor

  • Academic Experience:

    12 years

  • Qualification:

    MA in Political Science, K-SET Qualified & Ph.D (Ongoing)

  • Contact:


Mr. Munichowdappa N

Assistant Professor

# Degree Subject University, place ,year
1 Ph.D ( Ongoing ) Political Science St. Aloysius Deemed to be University, Mangalore.
2 K-SET Political Science University of Mysore Karnataka , 2017
3 MA Political Science University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, 2011
4 BA (History, Economics & Political Science) St. Aloysius College ,Mangalore 2009

Policy and governance, rural development, dalit and women empowerment, globalization and international peace and security.

1. Social and Political Ideas of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, Published in UGC Care Approved, Group I, Peer Reviewed, Bilingual, Bilingual, Biannual, Multi-disciplinary Referred Journal- Madhya Bharti -Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. 83, No. 11, January -June: 2023, ISSN 0974- 0066 with IF=6.28.
2. Empowerment of Weaker Section through Indian Constitutional Provisions, Published in UGC Care Approved, Group I Journal, Mukt Shabd Journal, Vol. XII, Issue I, January, 2023, ISSN: 2347-3150.
3. Performance and Growth of Women Participation in Indian Political System, Published in UGC Care Approved, Group I Journal, Mukt Shabd Journal, Vol. XII, Issue III, March, 2023, ISSN: 2347-3150.
4. Integrating Tradition and Innovation: Leveraging Memorization and Rote Learning to Optimize Learning Outcomes in the Indian Education System, Published in UGC CARE Approved, Peer Reviewed and Referred Journal-Department of Philosophy: Rabindra Bharati University, Vol.: XXIV, No:08, 2023, ISSN: 0973-0087, with IF: 6.986.
5. Impact of Covid on Ecotourism and Its Challenges and Prospects: A Case Study in Munnar, Kerala, India, Published in UGC CARE Approved, Group I, Bi-Annual Journal, South India Journal of Social Sciences; Vol. XXI, No.16, January –June: 2023, ISSN: 0972 –8945.
6. Political Parties and Electoral Politics in India: Exploring the Dynamics of Coalition Building and Voter Behavior, Published in The Researcher Student Academic Journal-Arts, Published by Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous Bangalore, Vol. 13, April 2023, ISBN: 9789358114652
7. Strengthening Local Democracy Our Critical Analysis of Panchayat Raj Institutions and Local Governance in India, Published in The Researcher Student Academic Journal-Arts, Published by Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous Bangalore, Vol. 14, April 2024, ISBN: 9789358114652

• Presented a paper on the topic, ‘International Solar Alliance: India’s Solar Diplomacy to enhance Global Solar Energy Potential’ in the International Conference held on 16.01.2025 at St. Aloysius Deemed to be University, Mangalore.
• Delivered a talk on 'The Living Document-Understanding the Constitution's role today' at St Agnes College (Autonomous) Mangalore on 26th November 2024.
• Attended a National Webinar on Implementation of Educational Best Practices in Multicultural Democracies on 9 – 10 February 2022 at Christ University.
• Delivered a Guest Lecture on Financial Administration for the students of Bishop Cottons Christian Women College Bengaluru on 6th September 2019.
• Participated in a National Webinar on Covid-19: Academic Tasks, Challenges and Strategies, organized by Osmania University Teacher's Association, Hyderabad on 5th June 2020.
• Participated in a Faculty Development Programme on E-Content: Learning and Teaching organized by Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous on 9th to 13th of June 2020.
• Organized and Participated in a National Webinar on Social Vulnerability and Gendered Healthcare amidst Covid 19 Pandemic and Individual Disaster Preparedness on 20th June 2020.
• Organized and Participated in a Webinar on the Celebration of Constitution Day on 26th November 2020, in collaboration with IQAC and department of Sociology and Public Administration on-Indian Constitution-Relevance in Today’s India.
• Participated in two days National Webinar- Trajectory of Academic Development: The Thrust of National Education Policy 2020 organized by Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous on 24th September 2020.
• Participated in a Webinar on Soft Skills- Development & Training by Radhika Pundir, Organized by NSS Unit Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous on 2nd December 2020.
• Participated in a workshop on the theme: Teaching and Learning the Constitution of India; The Letter, The Spirit and The Law, at St. Joseph’s College of Law Bengaluru, (2019)
• Participated in the National level workshop on “Research Methodology and Date Analysis in Social Sciences using R & Python”
• at St. Aloysius Degree College and Centre for Post Graduate Studies, Bengaluru (2019)
• Attended a State level Seminar on the topic ‘Reading the Constitution of India’ at Bengaluru Central University (2018)
• Attended a National Webinar on Implementation of Educational Best Practices in Multicultural Democracies on 9 – 10 February 2022 at Christ University.
• Delivered Guest Lecture on Financial Administration for the students of Bishop Cottons Christian Women College Bengaluru on 6th September 2019.
• Participated in a National Webinar on Covid-19: Academic Tasks, Challenges and Strategies, organized by Osmania University Teacher's Association, Hyderabad on 5th June 2020.
• Participated in a Faculty Development Programme on E-Content: Learning and Teaching organized by Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous on 9th to 13th of June 2020.
• Organized and Participated in a National Webinar on Social Vulnerability and Gendered Healthcare amidst Covid 19 Pandemic and Individual Disaster Preparedness on 20th June 2020.
• Organized and Participated in a Webinar on the Celebration of Constitution Day on 26th November 2020, in collaboration with IQAC and department of Sociology and Public Administration on-Indian Constitution-Relevance in Today’s India.
• Participated in two days National Webinar- Trajectory of Academic Development: The Thrust of National Education Policy 2020 organized by Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous on 24th September 2020.
• Participated in a Webinar on Soft Skills- Development & Training by Radhika Pundir, Organized by NSS Unit Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous on 2nd December 2020.
• Participated in a workshop on the theme: Teaching and Learning the Constitution of India; The Letter, The Spirit and The Law, at St. Joseph’s College of Law Bengaluru, (2019)
• Participated in the National level workshop on “Research Methodology and Date Analysis in Social Sciences using R & Python” • at St. Aloysius Degree College and Centre for Post Graduate Studies, Bengaluru (2019)
• Attended a State level Seminar on the topic ‘Reading the Constitution of India’ at Bengaluru Central University (2018)

Subject Expert for Political Science in the Interview (Recruitment) Panel at the Jain (Deemed to be) University on 13 th March 2023.
Governing Council Member (SC and ST Nominee) at the Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous for the academic year 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23.
Academic Council Member at Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous,2018 to 2023.
Head of the Department of Public Administration, Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous.
Coordinator for the SC, ST and OBC Cell at the Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous, 2022-23.
Board of Studies-BOS Member for the Department of Political Science, BMS College Autonomous, Bangalore, 2022-23.
Board of Examiner (External Evaluator) for the Department of Political Science, Surana College Autonomous, Bangalore, 2022-23.
Board of Examiner (External Paper Setter) for the Department of Political Science, Surana College Autonomous, Bangalore, 2022-23.
Board of Examiner (External Answer Scripts Reviewer) for the Department of Political Science, Surana College Autonomous, Bangalore, 2022-23.
Answer Scripts Reviewer in St. Joseph’s PU College, Residency Road, Bengaluru, 2018-19.

Attended 10 Days NSS Special Camp in Kerala
Attended Two Annual NSS Camps
Awarded Certificate of Leadership for Service