Library & Information Centre
The library is spacious and well ventilated. The overall purpose of the Library and Information Centre is to support the curriculum offered at Jyoti Nivas College. The function of the library is to support and enrich classroom instruction through a collection of carefully selected material based on courses and programs offered by the college.
History :
The JNC Library was established in the year 1966 in Frazer Town, and shifted based later when the college shifted to Koramangala in1976. The Library was first housed in a small room, and then shifted to a large hall where it gradually developed into a big library, with a collection of around 30,000 books and 75 Periodicals and Journals. As the college began to grow and develop there was a shortage of space to store library materials.It was also growing difficult to accommodate students and staff. A strong need was felt for a bigger building to house the library. Consequently in the year 2000, the present building, which comprises of a basement and four floors, was constructed. Jyoti Nivas College has made vast improvements in the field of library and information services.
Vision & Mission:
Vision: Deliver Continuous Access to Information in a Networked Environment to upkeep an excellence in Teaching and Research.
Mission: Sustain High-Quality Print and Electronic Information Resources, Disseminate Information and Knowledge, and Provide Desired Services to the User Community to find, Assess, Use and Create an Innovative Knowledge for Better World.
Uniqueness of the Library
Digital Lending Service: Students & faculties can borrow a laptop for 1-4 hours for their project work, online classes etc,
Jyoti Digital Braille Resource Centre: The following facilities are available for blind or have low vision students
- Installed OpenBook Scanning and Reading Software which converts printed documents or graphic-based text into an electronic text format
- Installed- NVDA and INDO-NVDA screen reading software
Research Support Services: Students and faculties can request ebooks, ejournals articles, and other library e-materials online
Library Best Practices
- Computerized library (Automated) with standard software called NewGenLib. Now migrated to KOHA
- Open Access System
- Institutional Repository (Digital Repository) using DSpace
- Internet facility to different user groups
- Displaying New Arrivals
- Suggestion Box
- Inclusion of sufficient information about the library in the college Website.
- Updating and maintaining library website
- Keeping the library premises neat and clean.
- Installed electronic gate register
General Rules
We request you to
- Bring your ID card when you visit Library
- The use of another's Identity card is prohibited.
- Personal belongings must be left in the property counter. The Library is not responsible for any item left at the Library.
- Respect and follow Library Rules and Policies
- Co-operate with Library staff
- Feel free to seek assistance
- Maintain silence in the Library Premises
- Help keep the Library neat and clean
- Alert on misuse of resources
- Take care of Library materials
- Be prompt in responding to our communications
- Provide feedback & suggestions
Some Don’ts
- Do not take out library materials without getting issued
- Do not use mobiles on Library premises OR Cell phones are to be set in the "OFF" or "VIBRATOR" mode prior to entering the Library.
- Avoid using mobiles for playing games & watching movies distracting other user attention
- Do not bring Music & other gadgets
- Do not bring any eatables & drinks
- Do not use Library computers/ Network for non-academic purposes
- Do not mark, write, scribble, underline in Library reading materials
- Avoid doing anything that disturbs other users
- Do not re-shelf the Books, Periodicals etc. leave them on the tables properly after use.
Circulation Rules
Borrowing Privileges
- Students o PUC - 2 Books/7 Days
- Faculties - 15 Books/7 Days
- Research Scholars - 4 Books/7 Days (Note: Reference books, Periodicals are issued for 1 day only)
- Borrow/ Return books every day
- ID card is mandatory for all library transactions
- All items must be checked out and returned to the circulation desk.
- While leaving the library user should ensure that they carry only those books that are duly issued on their names
- Items can be put on hold or reserved.
- To place a hold use the Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) or contact the library staff.
- Renewals are allowed 3 times on the exact due date & when there are no claims by others.
- Borrowed books should return within the due date, otherwise, one rupee (Rs.2/-) per day per book will be collected from the user as an overdue charge.
- Please login to OPAC for your due date of returning the book and fine details.
- In case any book is lost or damaged by the member, the member shall replace the book or shall pay the cost of replacement.
- If a book is one of the volumes of a set, the reader may be asked to replace the whole set.
o Under Graduate - 2 Books/7 Days o Post Graduate - 3 Books/7 Days
Location Index/Floor Plan
The Basement:
Language books
Reference books- Encyclopedia, Dictionaries, Competitive examination books, etc
Religion and Value Education books
Previous year question papers for the staff
CD/DVD Collection
Ground Floor:
Luggage counter
Circulation counter
Jyoti Digital Braille Resource Centre
Periodicals Corner
Reading Area
Library Administrator Cabin
Librarian Cabin
First Floor:
Arts & Humanities Section
Internet Browsing section
Photocopy and Printout facility
Previous year Question Papers
Travel and Tourism
Economics, Human Rights
Public Administration
Physical Education
History and Maps
Second Floor:
Science Section
Natural Sciences
Applied Sciences
MCA books
Third Floor:
Commerce and Management Section
Book Bank Section
Commerce and Management
MCom (FA)
B.Voc Banking and Finance
Fourth Floor :
English Language Books
MA Literature
Media and Mass Communication
Library Facilities & Services
Library Services
- Computerized circulation-issue, return, renewal of documents, etc
- Open Access System
- Reference Service
- Referral Service.
- Inter Library Loan (ILL)
- Current Awareness Service (CAS)
- Newspaper Clipping Service
- E-Document Delivery Service (DDS)
Extension Services
- Library Orientation/ Information Literacy
- Research Support Services
- New Arrivals display
- Bulletin Board/ Wall Magazine
- Book Bank Facility for SC, ST, and Economically Poor Students.
- Online Public Access Catalogue(OPAC)
- Institutional Repository (Digital Repository) using DSpace
- Internet facility to different user groups
- Question Bank Facility (Print + Online)
- Reprographic, scanning
- CTV Surveillance
- Remote Access for e-resources
- UPS Facility
Library Collection
Number of total books (as on 30-April-2022)
Particulars |
Category |
Number |
Total |
Master Register |
6813 |
7409 |
Book Bank |
305 |
Donation |
291 |
Under Graduate (UG) |
Master Register |
68148 |
73858 |
Book Bank |
4361 |
Donation |
1349 |
Post Graduate (PG) |
Master Register |
3298 |
3582 |
Book Bank |
0 |
Donation |
284 |
Total Library Collection |
84849 |
Digital Lending Service
(Laptop Loan Service)

The Digital Lending service of the JNC library provides a short-term loan of a laptop to students and faculty. Students and faculty may borrow laptops on campus for educational use with access to the college’s Wi-Fi network. If you require a laptop contact the library staff
Duration : 1- 4 Hours
Overdue Fines : Rs. 10 / Hour / Laptop
Renewing : Laptop loans may not be renewed.
Wi-Fi Connectivity : Available
Where to Find?
The circulation desk at the JNC Library
Terms of Use
- Laptops are provided fully charged and are not issued with a charger or bag.
- The Patron must have a student or staff card to use this service.
- The Patron should not borrow a laptop on behalf of a friend or colleague
- Files saved on the desktop will be erased when the laptop is returned.
- The software cannot be copied to or from the laptop, and any deliberate attempts to make modifications to the machine are prohibited;
- JNC library is not responsible for any damage to the borrower’s data storage device(s), loss of data caused by software, hardware, battery failure, or computer viruses.
- The laptop must be returned in good condition or the borrower will be billed for replacement.
- Laptops that are not returned within 1 day are considered lost and will be billed for replacement immediately. Student library account blocks are applied immediately.
- If the laptop is lost, stolen, or damaged, the borrower will be billed for replacement.
Library for the blinds

Institutional Membership
Resources Name |
Link |
What can I access here? |
e-books |
e-books |
https://app.myloft.xyz/user/login?institute=ckbv6vlzjuccs0782ufo2t55g |
e-books |
Galileo Integrated Digital Learning Centre |
Ebooks |
Quality text books from AICTE |
Library Committee 2024-2025
Librarian : Ms Chaithra A M
Librarian : Mrs. Charu Chandralekha
Coordinators : Dr. Goolappa Okkunda
Ms. Suparna Sengupta
Staff Directory
Ms. Chaithra A M |
Ms. Charu Chandralekha Librarian B.Sc(Chem), ANIIT(SWE), M.L.I.Sc(II Merit Rank), UGC-NET, KSET, Ph.D.(Pursuing) |
Sundresha. B. V |
Dores Mary. Y |
Nagaraja. A D |
Andrews Viguladass |
Prakash B.V. |
Anthony Mary |
Geetha |
E-mail : jnc_library@rediffmail.comPhone : 25530137 [208]
Ms. Chaithra A M
Ms. Charu Chandralekha
Library Events
About the celebration-
The Jyoti Nivas College Library and Information Centre celebrated National Librarians' Day on August 12, 2024, to honor the 132nd birth anniversary of Dr. S. R. Ranganathan, the father of Library Science in India.
About the Tour :
The Library & Information Centre conducted a "Library Orientation Tour" on July 6, 2024, for first-year Arts students of the 2024-2025 academic year. The purpose of this tour was to familiarize new students with the library's facilities, resources, and services, encouraging them to make full use of what the library offers.
Mr. Sundareshha B. V. and Ms. Dores Mary guided the students through the library, providing detailed explanations about the various services and resources available. Approximately 200-250 students participated in this informative and engaging event.
About the Activity :
The Library & Information Centre, in association with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), organized the "Test Your Library IQ! - A College Library Quiz" for students and teachers. E-posters were distributed to teachers and class representatives via WhatsApp, displayed on the Library’s Digital Display TV, and print posters were placed on the Library’s Notice Board and Degree Quadrangle.
A total of 726 students and staff from PUC, UG, and PG programs participated in the online quiz. E-certificates were sent to the participants via email and WhatsApp. The quiz link was active from August 10th to August 13th, 2024.
Report of the activity
Now you can access JNC Library e-resources, services and updates 24×7 on your mobile phone. The mobile interface of JNC Library has been launched on 27th October 2022.
The JNC Mobile Library is an interface that is a customized page that hosts links to the Library Website, Old Question Papers, Syllabus, E-Resources, and Request Based Services, provided by the library.
Visit the library mobile page https://linktr.ee/jnclibrary on your smartphone or laptop.
Enjoy your library when you move. JNC Library is always with you.
Brief Report of NPTEL Awareness E-Workshop
Date: 13th July-2022
Time : 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell(IQAC) and Library and Information Centre jointly organised the "NPTEL Awareness E-Workshop" in association with NPTEL, IIT Madras, Kongu Engineering College, Tamilnadu and Sant Tukaram College of Arts and Science, Maharastra to create awareness among faculty and students about the NPTEL Certification Courses on 13th July 2022 on YouTube. 2600 plus students and faculty attended the live session. 5,500 plus students and faculty watched the recorded video within 24 hours.
The programme formally began with the introduction of the workshop delivered by DR.P.Navaneethakrishnan, SPOC, Head of the Department, of Mechanical Engineering, Kongu Engineering College. Ms Bharathi, Guest Speaker from NPTEL, IIT Madras started the session. Ms. Divya from IIT Madras played the recorded video.
After the session, SPOCs from all 3 colleges shared their experience about the Local Chapter Impact. Namely Dr Pandit B Nirmal from Sant Tukaram College of Arts and Science Parbhani, Dr.P.Navaneethakrishnan, SPOC, Head of the Department, Mechanical Engineering, Kongu Engineering College and Mr. Manjunatha.s, SPOC, Librarian, Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous, Bangalore.
The session ended with a vote of thanks by Dr. Pandit B Nirmal, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Sant Tukaram College of Arts and Science, Parbhani. He expressed his gratitude to the NPTEL, IIT, Madras, Principals and Participants for their constant support and for attending the workshop.
Library Timings
Monday to Friday
8.00 AM to 5.30 PM
8.00 AM to 4.00 PM
The library remains open on all working days except on National and Gazette holidays