Collaboration and networking towards institutional development
In it’s continued emphasis on excellence, Jyoti Nivas College strives towards
knowledge incubation, social responsibility and inclusivity, and developing a culture
of research. The thrust area of institutional distinctiveness includes collaboration
between educational institutions and networking towards academia-industry interface.
Currently, this is a key factor in the development of colleges and higher education
institutions all over the world. Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous has collaborated with various important institutes and universities, nationally and internationally. Besides, there are several Memoranda of Understanding in place with organizations to enhance employability and skill-building programs. These collaborations are seen as an
important component in augmenting :
- Research projects and publications
- Student and faculty exchanges
- Inter-disciplinary knowledge-building
- Capacity-building in contemporary skillsets
- Know-how in recent industry trends
- Access to and sharing of the best of resources and funding
- Employability and entrepreneurship
- Culture of team-building and leadership
- Overall enhancement within the educational community
With 51 active MOUs, Jyoti Nivas has one of the highest number of
collaborative projects in the country. The institution has carried out academic exchange programmes with 27 colleges and industry-collaborations with 24 companies. These MOUs have ensured a continuous flow of theoretical and
experiential learning processes for the Jyoti Nivas community.
Following are the details for collaborations for the academic year 2022-23 :
- Total Number of Institutional Linkages: 15
- Total Number of functional MOUS – 14
- Total Activities - 20
- Beneficiaries – 6,028