Dr. V.Tamilarasu
Assistant Professor

Academic Experience:
13 years
Dr. V.Tamilarasu
Assistant Professor
# | Degree | Subject | University, place ,year |
Minor Project - Entitled a study on impact of Technology upgradation and employee development in MSME with reference to Bangalore funded by Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous Bangalore |
• Published a book chapter in New Entrepreneurial Trends in Business Marketing Knowledge about GOVERNMENT SUPPORTS VARIOUS SCHEMES SPECIALLY FOR WOMEN ENTREPRENERU ISBN : 978-93-92045-89-9,Issue No: 1 Volume: 1. |
• Published a Book chapter in the book titled Innovations in management on the topiv Innovations In management with ISBN -978-93-93622-42-6 published in August, 2024. |
Published a Research journal on “A research study on how delegation affects workers performance” in the south Indian journal of social sciences June issue vol.XXI, No 30 with ISSN: 0972-8945 (UGC Care Group - I Listed Journal) |
Influence of High Performance Human Resource Practice on Employee Engagement in Banking Sector with reference to Bangalore in Pacific B usiness R eview I nternational Volume 15 issue 5 November 2022 web of science indexed journal |
Published a research journal on Finding out those factors which Promote Emotional Brandings in Relation to Textile Outlets: Multiple Group Path Analysis Approach Gurukul Business Review (GBR) Vol. 18 (Spring 2022), pp. 53-62 ISSN : 0973-1466 (off line) ISSN : 0973-9262 (on line) Impact Factor : 2.82 (IIFS 2019) web of science indexed journal |
Published a Research Journal on “A study on Faculty Performance Relationship with Work & Personal Life” in Journal of The Astatic Society of Mumbai with ISSN- 0972-0766 Vol: XCVI, No:3. 2022 UGC Care group I journal |
Published a research journal on “CHALLENGES IN EDUCATION DURING THE PERIOD OF COVID – 19 PANDEMIC: A STUDY ON GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS & COLLEGES IN KARNATAKA” in house journal of st josheps college of commerce research review with ISSN 2249 - 4359 issue on June 2021 vol – 11, issue – 1 print page No 167 – 184 |
Published a research journal on “A STUDY ON CAREER DEVELOPMENT OF EMPLOYEES WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO SALEM STEEL PLANT SALEM” in the international journal of Contemporary studies with ISSN 2456 - 0960 issue on January 2017 vol – 2, issue – 1 with an impact factor of 2.07 page No 1 – 13 |
Published a Published a research journal on “A Study of Factors Influencing Work Environmental Stress in Selected Agro Industries with Special Reference to Dharmapuri District” in theInternational Journal of Engineering and Management Research May-June 2016 Volume-6, Issue-3, with an impact factor of 3.96 Page Number: 350-359 |
Published a research journal on “A STUDY ON EMPLOYEES WORK ENVIRONMENTAL JOB SATISFACTION IN SELECTED INDUSTRIES AT HOSUR” in the Journals of Recent Advance Research (JRAR) - online issue on November – 2016. |
Published a research journal on “A STUDY ON EMPLOYEES WORK ENVIRONMENT WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO MAAFRESH AGRO KRISHNAGIRI” in the international journal of Management and social science Research Review (IJMSRR)) with ISSN 2349 - 6738 issue on December 2015 with an impact factor of 3.029 page No 204 – 208 |
Published a research journal on “SERVICES MARKETING IN HOTEL INDUSTRY -CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR TOWARDS READYTO- EAT FOOD PRODUCTS” in the international journal of Business and Applied Research Review (IJBARR) with ISSN 2348 - 0653 issue on April 2015 with an (GIS) impact factor of 0.32 page No 149 – 155 |
Published a article on “The Conceptual Evidence Of A Study On Foreign Direct Investment In India” in journal of exclusive management science (JEMS) is an international peer blind reviewed journal with ISSN 2277-5684 issue on February 2014 |
Published a Article on “Change Management” in International Journal of Management Prudence Vol. 4 with ISSN 0975-8496 December 2012 Pg.no 26-31 |
Published a edited book chapter titled new entrepreneurial trends in business marketing knowledge Topic "Government supports Various Schemes specially for women entrepreneurs"on March 2024 |
Published a edited book chapter titled Innovations in Management Topic "Recent Innovations in Finance Industry" on August 2024 |
Dr. Tamil Arasu presented on two days International conference a paper on Impact of work Life balance on Law enforcement Personal on Career satisfaction at Nadar Sarawathi College of Arts and Science , PG and Research Department of Commerce ,Vadaputhupatti, Theni on 1.08.2024. |
Participated and presented a paper on "Impact of work life balance among law enforcement personals on career satisfaction in two days international conference on Forecasting Artificial Intelligence" in commerce for the next decade organized by the department of commerce nadar saraswathi college theni on 01.08.2024 & 02.08.2024 |
Participated and presented a paper on "A study on the impact of delegation on employees performance" in the 2nd international conference on innovative research in engineering, applied science and management organized by sree Dattha Institution nagarjuna, Hyderabad from 23rd to 25th February 2023 |
Presented a paper titled on theoretical frame work of impact of MSMES in economy in the National online one day seminar on make in India and MSME Sector opertunities and challenges sponser by ICSSR organized by Department of Economics Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous Bangalore |
Participated and presented a paper entitled on “ The Value of Green Recruiting” in the International Conference on Mapping Business Excellence Through Innovation & Vibrant Practice, organized by the Department of Management Studies, Nehru institute of Technology, Coimbatore on March 11th 2016 |
Participated and Presented a paper entitled on “You can also Become an Exporter”in the National Conference on Changing Perspectives and Trends in Business held on 23rd January 2015. |
Participated and presented a paper entitled on “B 2 B Commerce” in the National Level Seminar on strategic e-commerce in emerging economies, organized by the PG Department of commerce at AJK college of arts and science held on 17th October 2014. |
Participated and presented a paper entitled on “Service Marketing In Hotel Industry” in the National Level Seminar on integrated marketing strategy in emerging economics organized by the Department of Commerce AJK college of arts and science held on 25th& 26th September 2014. |
Participated & Presented a paper entitled on “Corporate Social Responsibility” in the seminar on Social Responsibility in Business Organized by the Department of Management AJK College held on 2nd March 2013. |
Participated & Presented a paper entitled on “Work Life Balance” in the National conference on Emerging Challenges for Sustainable Business organized by the Department of Management Studies in Jayam college of Engineering and Technology held on 26th April 2013 |
Participated & Presented a paper entitled on “Social Media Marketing”in National level Management Meet in Trailblazer10 Department of Management Studies, held in Sun College of Engineering & TechnologyKanyakumari heldon 1st October 2010. |
Participated &Presented a paper entitled on “HRD for Organizational Deveopment”in the international conference on Competency Building Strategies in Business and Technology for Sustainable Development organized by the Department of Management Studies, Sri Ganesh School of Business Management held on 22ndFebruary 2013. |
Participated & Presented a paper entitled on “Performance Management Focus on Performance Appraisal”in the international conference on Challenges of Indian Business in Global Economy organized by the Department of Management Studies, AnnaiMathammal Sheela Engineering College Namakkal held on 23rd September 2011. |
Participated & Presented a paper entitled on “Recruitment Challenges”in the international conference on Impact of Global Crisis in Indian Businessorganized by the Department of Management Studies, AnnaiMathammal Sheela Engineering College Namakkal held on 14th September 2012. |
Participated & Presented a paper entitled on “Rural Marketing” in the National level Young Business Minds Meet jointly organized by the Department of Management & Entrepreneurship Development cell of Jayam college of Engineering and Technology held on 29th& 30th April 2010. |
Participated & Presented a paper entitled on “ERP” in National level young Business Minds Meet “TYCOON11” organized by the department of MBA held in JayamCollege of Engineering, sponsored by AICTE, Delhi held on 11thFebruary 2011. |
Participated & Presented a paper entitled on “MBA Students as aEntrepreneur” in Parivarthanam National level Symposium organized by the MBA Department, PMC Tech, Hosur, and won the third Prizeheld on 22ndJanuary 2010 |
As a resource person for national level seminar on "learn to start up" he has given an invited talk on the title "find a business model for stability growth of business on 03-04-2023, organised by the department of management studies, kongu arts college morapur, dharmapuri tamilnadu |
As a resource person for national level seminar on "Open Source Opportunities in Entrepreneurship" organised by the department of commerce, jai shree venkatesha college on 15.02.2024 |
Invited as a Chief guest for “One day National Level Seminar on “Recent Trends in Women Entrepreneurial Startups – 2024 organized by the department of Management Studies , Sri Moogambigai Arts & Science college palacode dharmapuri on 15th march 2024 |
Invited as a Chief guest for “One day National Level Symposium “ on contemporary era Business Opportunities for young women organized by the department of Commerce , sakthi kailash women's college Dharmapuri on 20-09-2024 |
Successfully completed online Inter-Disciplinary Two-Week Refresher Course on “Managing Online Classes & Co-creating MOOCS 22.0” from 07 - 21 January, 2023 and obtained Grade A. under the aegis of MINISTRY OF EDUCATION PANDIT MADAN MOHAN MALAVIYA NATIONAL MISSION ON TEACHERS AND TEACHING organized by Teaching Learning Centre Ramanujan College, University of Delhi (Accredited Grade 'A++' by NAAC) in collaboration with Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous, Bangalore (India) |
Participate seven days online faculty development program “Outcome Based Education” organized by department of management karpagam academy of higher education Coimbatore from 26.07.2021 to 01.08.2021 |
One day Web Panel Discussion on "Mental Health for all: Greater Investment - organized by the department of BVoc Department of Psychology jyoti nivas college autonomous bangaluru in association with the Eudaimonic Centre for Positive Change and Wellbeing and United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).on world mental health day 10th October 2021 |
Participated two days national level webinar on trajectory of academic development The thrust of national education policy NEP 2020 organized IQAC jyoti nivas college autonomous Bangaluru from 22nd & 23 October 2021 |
Participated online faculty development program DHRONA – the art of teaching & learning for next generation (6hrs 7 module) organized by the department of BBA, D.G. Vaishnav college Chennai on 11th April 2020 |
Participate one day National level webinar on corporate moral excellence organized by the department of commerce & management on 27th july 2020 |
Participate five days faculty development program on reconfiguring the mind post COVID consciousness organized IQAC jyoti nivas college autonomous Bangaluru from 23nd & 27 June 2020 |
Participate one day National level webinar on managing finances & investment proactively during uncertain times corporate moral excellence organized by the department of commerce & management on 18th June 2020 |
Participate one day National level webinar on recent developments in digital marketing & social media organized by the department of commerce & management on 18th June 2020 |
Participate one day National Workshop on “Tiny Entrepreneurs” organized by the Department of Management & Research AVS College of Arts & Science Salem held on 11th July – 2016 |
Participated one day workshop on “The Road Map to Empirical Exactness of Doing Research” organized by Periyar University Constituent College of Arts & Science Pennagaram, Dharmapur held on 04th May 2016 |
Participate one day National Level Seminar on “Sales and Marketing” organized by the Department of BBM(CA) AJK College of Arts and Science , navikkari - Coimbatore 2014 |
Participated one day Faculty Development on “Teaching And Research Methodology” organized by the Department of Commerce and Management at AJK college of Arts and Science Coimbatore 2014 |
Participated three days workshop on “Research Orientation Program” organized by the Department Of Management Studies Periyar University Salem |
Participated two weeks Capacity Building Program on “Research Methods in Social Sciences Research” sponsored by ICSSR New Delhi organized by Department of Commerce & PRIMS Periyar University Salem. |
Participated one day National level Seminar on “Financial Derivatives and Trading Mechanism” organized by Department of Management Studies at Jayalakshmi Institute of Technology Toppur. |
Participated one day National level Wok shop on “Integrating Business Process Through ERP” organized by VIT Business School on 20th March 2011 at VIT University vellor. |
Participated one day Work Shop on “Computers and Commerce” organized by the Department of Commerce Islamiah College Vanniyambadi Vellor 2008
Participated one day National Seminar on “Recent Trends in Business Management” organized by the Department of Business Administration Kamadanu college of Arts and Science Dhampauri. |
Participated one day Training Program on “Managerial Effectiveness Modules” organized by the Department of Corporate Secretaryship in Islamiah college Vanniyambad Vellor 2008
Participated one day National level conference on “Global Crisis and Its Impact on Indian Economy” conducted by the Department of Commerce and BBA KMG college of Arts and Science Gudiyatham 2008 |
1. Participated Many Ad-zobs at various colleges |
2. Participated 10 days NSS camp |
3. Cricket player in UG level |
Best student of the year in 2008 in UG college level |
Won third prize in national level symposium organized by department of MBA in PMC tech hour title MBA students as an Entrepreneur |
Department of Commerce and Management from 2019 to 2024 |