M.Sc Mathematics
Admission Queries
Mrs. Jaya Thomas : 8884982277 | Mr. Bhagyanathan : 8971192474 |
email : jncpgcourses@gmail.com |
Introduction to M.Sc Mathematics Programme: Mathematics, the queen of all sciences, plays a crucial role in understanding ideas and problems in real life, and leads the learner to become an expert at answering. Accordingly we inculcate critical thinking and logical reasoning to facilitate life-long learning as spelt out in the vision and mission of our department. We take pride in saying that we have transformed our curriculum from being purely classroom based instruction to experiential learning in the laboratories providing a launch pad to every student to enter the IT industry.
Improve retention of mathematical concepts in the student.
Advanced principles of bonding in inorganic compounds.
• To develop a spirit of inquiry in the student.
• To improve the perspective of students on mathematics as per modern requirement.
• To initiate students to enjoy mathematics, pose and solve meaningful problems, to use abstraction to perceive relationships and structure and to understand the basic structure of mathematics.
• To enable the teacher to demonstrate, explain and reinforce abstract mathematical ideas by using concrete objects, models, charts, graphs, pictures, posters with the help of FOSS tools on a computer.
• To make the learning process student-friendly by having a shift in focus in mathematical teaching, especially in the mathematical learning environment.
• Exploit techno-savvy nature in the student to overcome math-phobia.
• Propagate FOSS (Free and open source software) tools amongst students and teachers as per vision document of National Mission for Education.
• To set up a mathematics laboratory in every college in order to help students in the exploration of mathematical concepts through activities and experimentation.
• To orient students towards relating Mathematics to applications.
• To remedy Math phobia through authentic learning based on hands-on experience with computers.
• To foster experimental, problem-oriented and discovery learning of mathematics.
• To show that ICT can be a panacea for quality and efficient education when properly integrated and accepted.
• To prove that the activity-centered mathematics laboratory places the student in a problem solving situation and then through self-exploration and discovery habituates the student into providing a solution to the problem based on his or her experience, needs, and interests.
• To provide greater scope for individual participation in the process of learning and becoming autonomous learners.
• To provide scope for greater involvement of both the mind and the hand which facilitates cognition.
• To ultimately see that the learning of mathematics becomes more alive, vibrant, relevant and meaningful; a program that paves the way to seek and understand the world around them. A possible by-product of such an exercise is that math-phobia can be gradually reduced amongst students.
• To help the student build interest and confidence in learning the subject.
Graduates who have secured 40% marks in the aggregate of all subjects and at least 50% marks in Mathematics (cognate subject) at the degree level are eligible.