Dr.V. Margret Ponrani
Assistant Professor

Academic Experience:
11 years
M.Sc, B.Ed, PGDCA, M.Phil, Ph.D.
Dr.V. Margret Ponrani
Assistant Professor
# | Degree | Subject | University, place ,year |
1 | Ph.D. | Mathematics | M.S.University, Tirunelveli 2014 |
2 | M.Phil. | Mathematics | Madurai KamarajUniversity, Madurai 2007 |
3 | B.Ed | Mathematics | Madhiya Pradesh Bhoj (open) University 2004-05 |
4 | M.Sc. | Mathematics | Madurai KamarajUniversityEveningCollege, Madurai 2002-04 |
5 | B.Sc | Mathematics | T.B.A.K College for Women, Kilakarai 1999-02 |
• Published a Chapter entitled “Benefits of Online Assessment and Online Software” in the The Role of IQAC in Quality Sustenance and Quality Enhancement in the Context of Revised Assessment and Accreditation Framework (RAAF) in Higher Education Institution (HEI)organized by The Madurai Diraviyam Thayumanavar Hindu College,Trinelveli held on September 15 and 16 – 2022. ISBN : 978-81-927227-6-4 |
• Published a Chapter entitled “Recent advances of mathematics in Online Teaching and mathematical software” in the International conference on Recent trends in Mathematics (ICRTMA-2021) and its Application organized by GITAM Deemed to be University, Bengaluru held on December 2 and 3 – 2021. |
• Published a Chapter entitled “Recent advances of mathematics in COVID-19” - International conference on Advanced Mathematical Modelling and Computational Techniques organized by AMET Deemed to be University, Chennai held on June 28 and 30 – 2021. ISBN : 978-93-85434-84- |
• Signless Laplacian Minimum Double Dominating Energy Of A Gragh – - Accepted to publish in a scopus indexed book. |
• Published a paper on Advances of Mathematics in political field – Journal of Applied Science and Computations - Vol VI, Issue IV , page no: 1172– April 2019. ISSN NO:1076-5131. (UGC Approved Journal) [Impact factor 5.8] |
• Published a paper on Fuzzy Z – precontinuous functions in fuzzy topological space in International Journal for Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology in Vol 5, Issue-1, January- February, 2019 [Impact factor 4.295] |
• Published a paper on Analytical expression of steady-state concentration profiles at parallel electrodes in International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (UGC Approved Journal) in March 2018. Paper ID is ETPAM-2018 [Impact factor 6.887] |
• Published a paper on Mathematical modelling of steady-state concentration in immobilized glucose isomerase of packed-bed reactors in Journal of Mathematical Chemistry (Scopus) 50 (2012) 1333-1346. [Impact factor 1.303] |
• Published a paper on Approximate solution of coupled system of transient reaction diffusion equations for complexes of arbitrary lability in the Global Journal of Mathematical Sciences: Theory and Practical 3 (2011) 405-426. [ISSN : 0974 - 3200] |
• Published a paper on Analytical expression of the substrate concentration in different part of particles with immobilized enzyme and substrate inhibition kinetics in Analytical &Bioanalytical Electrochemistry (Scopus) 3 (2011) 507–520. [ISSN : 2008 - 4226] |
• Published a paper on Analytical expression of non steady-state concentration profiles at planar electrode for the CE mechanism in Natural Science 2 (2010) 1318-1325. [Impact factor 1.15] |
• Presented a paper entitled “ Signless Laplacian Minimum Double Dominating Energy Of A Gragh” in a International Conference on Advancements in Science, Technology and Management ((ICASTM’24) Jointly organized by St.Xavier’s college of Management &Technology, Patns, Bihar, India & Global Conference Hub, Coimbatore held on April 25-26, 2024. |
• Presented a paper entitled “ A Comparitive Study of Open -Source Mathematical Softwares” in A Two-Day Silver Year International Conference on Advances in Mathematical, Computational and Physical Sciences(ICMCPS’23) organized by Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College, Pollachi held on March 2-3, 2023. |
• Presented a paper entitled “ Benefits of Online Assessment and Online Software” in the The Role of IQAC in Quality Sustenance and Quality Enhancement in the Context of Revised Assessment and Accreditation Framework (RAAF) in Higher Education Institution (HEI)organized by The Madurai Diraviyam Thayumanavar Hindu College,Trinelveli held on September 15 and 16 – 2022. |
• Presented a paper entitled “Recent advances of mathematics in Online Teaching and mathematical software” in the International conference on Recent trends in Mathematics (ICRTMA-2021) and its Application organized by GITAM Deemed to be University, Bengaluru held on December 2 and 3 – 2021. |
• Presented a paper entitled Recent advances of mathematics in COVID-19 in the International conference on Advanced Mathematical Modelling and Computational Techniques organized by AMET Deemed to be University, Chennai held on June 28 and 30 – 2021. |
• Presented a paper entitled Application of mathematic in Engineering in a UGC sponsored National conference on Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics & MATAAC2020 organized by Arul Anandar College, Madurai held on February 19 and 20– 2020. |
• Presented a paper entitled Recent advances of mathematics in political field in a UGC sponsored International conference on Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics & MATAAC2019 organized by Arul Anandar College, Madurai held on February 14 and 15 – 2019. |
• Presented a paper entitled Theoretical study of two- dimensional and three- dimensional pore networks in a National conference on Recent Trends in differential equations organized by St. Joseph College of Arts and Science for Women,Hosur held on January 23 -2019. |
• Presented a paper entitled A Theory of two-dimensional pore network and its comparision with three-dimensional pore networks in a National conference on Recent Trends in Applied Mathematics organized by P.G & Research department, Bishop Heber College, Trichy held on March 2 and 3 -2018. [ISBN: 978-93-80767-79-6]. |
• Presented a paper entitled A Mathematical modelling of porus networks and its applications in a National conference on Modern Mathematics and its Application organized by The American College, Madurai held on January 22 and 23 -2018. [ISBN 938510967-7]. |
• Presented a paper entitled Mathematical modelling of porus networks and its applications in a National conference on Recent Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics organized by Arul Anandar College, Madurai held on March 1 - 2018. |
• Presented a paper entitled Analytical expression of steady-state concentration profiles at parallel electrodesin a National conference on Emerging trends in pure and applied mathematics organized by St. Joseph College of Arts and Science for Women,Hosur held on December 13-2017. |
• Presented a paper entitled Mathematical Modelling of Substrate Concentration and Current in Immobilized Glucose Isomeraseof Packed-bed Reactors in a DST& CSIR sponsored National Seminar on Advances and Applications in Mathematical Modelling at Madura College, Madurai during 15th and 16th April 2013. |
• Presented a paper entitled Analytical solution of substrate concentration in immobilized enzyme in a CSIR sponsored National conference on Mathematical Modeling and applications to Mathematical, Physical and Chemical Sciences organized by The Madura College, Madurai held on January 20 and 21-2011. |
• Presented a paper entitled Analytical expression of non-steady concentration profiles at planar electrode for the CE mechanism DST sponsored National conference on Mathematical, Theoretical and Computational Chemistry by The Madura College, Madurai held on March 29 and 30-2010. |
• Organised a six months Value added course on Basic Mathematics for Competitive Exams from March 2022- October 2022. |
• Organised a Student Development Programme (Hybrid) on “Gateway to the innovation world of Electronics and Mathematics. |
• Organised an International workshop on International Webinar on "Becoming future - Ready" on August 30,2021 |
• Organised workshop on “psycho-social care” on 25 th February 2020. |
• Received "Best Teacher Award" on having successfully completed the requirements and in the recognition of excellent service towards education from the evaluation board of Dream Realization Institute, Thirukkural Reasearch Institute, Tamil Nadu on 05.09.2024. |
• Received "Social Philanthropist Award" " on having successfully completed the requirements and in the recognition of excellent service towards education from the evaluation board of Wings of Thought Naga Sangam, Association of Innerwheel Sangam Nagai, Tamil Nadu on 05.09.2024. |
• Received "Mother Theresa Award" on having successfully completed the requirements and in the recognition of excellent service towards education from the evaluation board of Happy FM, Tamil Nadu on 26.08.2024. |
• Resource person in EDC workshop on “Mathematical foundation of Data Science” organized organized by St. Joseph College of Arts and Science for Women,Hosur held on July 18, 2024 |
• Resource person in the webinar entitled “Process of innovation development, Technology readiness level” organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and Institutions Innovation Council(IIC), The Madurai Diraviyam Thayumanavar Hindu College,Trinelveli held on 25th February 2023. |
• Resource person in E-workshop organized by Department of Mathematics, T.B.A.K College for women, Kilakarai held on Oct 1, 2021. |
• Received "Renowned Alumna 2020" from Thassim Beevi Abdul Kader College for Women, Kilakarai on 23 rd. Jan 2020. |
• Secured college first position in PART- I |
• Got prizes in extra curricular activities such as collage, dance etc., in college and inter college level. |
• Completed three months course on “Programming for Everyboby (Getting started eith Python) authorized by University of Michigan and offered through coursera. |
• Completed Two-Weeks Refresher course on “Managing Online Classes & Co creating Moocs 22.0” authorized by University of Delhi and offered through Ramanujam college in collaboration with Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous,Bengalore under the aegis of MINISTRY OF EDUCATION PANDIT MADAN MOHAN MALAVIA NATIONAL MISSION ON TEACHERS AND TEACHING from 07 - 21 January, 2023 |
• Attended Two days FDP on “Unveiling Emerging Research Trends in Mathematics” organized by Don SRM Madurai College for Engineering and Technology, Sivagangai held on 20-08-2024 to 21.08. 2024. |
• Attended National Level Seminar On “Virtual Astronomy -Exploring the Universe from your Home” organized by Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous, Bangalore in collaboration with St.Joseph’s college for Women, Hosur, Providence College for Women coonoor and Alphonsa college PALA, Kerala held on 16th September 2024. |
• Attended National Level Lecture On “Mathematics is the backbone of Artificial Intelligence” organized by Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous, Bangalore in collaboration with Providence College for Women coonoor, Providence women’s college, Calicut and St. Philomena,s college(Autonomus), Mysore held on 25th September 2023. |
• Attended National Level Lecture On “Navigating Future of Manthanein with the Roadmap to Success” organized by Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous, Bangalore in collaboration with Providence College for Women coonoor held on 10th March 2023. |
• Attended Webinar on “Reliabilty Estimations Via Cutsets” organized by Providence College for Women, coonoor in collaboration with Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous, Bangalore held on 15th March 2023. |
• Attended seven days FDP on A Seven Day International Faculty Development Programme on “Holistic Pedagogy” organized by Don Bosco College, Bangalore held on 9th to 15th January 2023. |
• Attended six days FDP on A Six Day International Online Faculty Development Programme on “Promoting Quality Culture Enhancement: A Quality Assurance Measure” organized by Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous, Bangalore held on 19th to 24th January 2022. |
• Attended Worshop on “Computational Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence for Engineers” organized by Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering,Bengaluru held on 13 December to17 december 2021 |
• Attended Worshop on “Tricks and Techniques for Aptitude Improvement” organized by AMET Deemed to be University, Chennai held on June 09, 2021. |
• Participated five days National webinar on “Mathematicals software workshop” organised by Universal Engineering College, Vallivottom, Kerala on June 02 – June 06, 2021. |
• Participated National Conference on ‘Mathematical Analysis and Computing (NCMAC)’ organised by Sree Sevugan Annamalain College, Devakottai on May 28– 2021. |
• Participated webinar on "The Trajectory of Academic Development: The Thrust of The National Education Policy (NEP 2020)" organized by Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous, Bangalore held on September 22 & 23, 2020. |
• Attended five days FDP on 5 Day International Faculty Development Programme on “Reconfiguring the Mind: Post COVID Consciousness” organized by Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous, Bangalore held on 23rd to 27th June 2020. |
• Attended one week FDP on “Exploring Innovations in Mathematical Sciences“ organized by Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai held on June 25 to July1- 2020. |
• Participated webinar on “Scientific perspectives on Covid-19” organized by AMET Deemed to be university, Chennai held on June 29 -2020. |
Attended two days FDP on “ Mathematics using Python “ mathematics organized by St. Joseph College of Arts and Science for Women, Hosur held on June 17 &18 -2020. |
• Participated webinar on “Mathematical models in machine learning & electric cars and the future of transportation” organized by Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous, Bangalore held on 18th June 2020. |
• Attend three day webinar on “ Open source softwares for Mathematics” organized by T.B.A.K College for women, Kilakarai held on June12 to June 14 2020. |
• Participated in National Conference on ‘Recent Development in Mathematics and its Applications’ at The Madura College, Madurai on Jan 9 – 2015. |
• Participated in the National workshop on ‘Analytical and numerical solution of non-linear differential equations’ at Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru held on March 18 and 19-2011. |
• Participated one day regional seminar on ‘Philosophical and Mathematical Interventions on Artificial Intelligence’ at The Madura College, Madurai on January 7-2011. |
• Participated in DST sponsored National Conference on ‘Mathematical Theoretical and Computatational Chemistry’ at The Madura College, Madurai on March 29 and 30 – 2010. |
• Participated in the State Level Seminar on ‘Development of number system and analysis’ at Caussanel Arts and Science College, Muthupettai. Ramanathapuram District on September 26- 2009. |
• Participated in a National Seminar on ‘Fuzzy and its Application’ held at Syed Hameedha Arts and Science College, Kilakarai, Ramanathapuram District on January 25- 2009. |
• Participated in many competitions (Dance, Group song, Drama,Collage, Skit, Essay Writing, Word Hunt) and won prizes |
• Active Member in organizing NSS programs and curricular events |