Jyoti Nivas College
“There are many capable women and we are one of them.” Proverbs 31:29
An educational institution has the immense responsibility of shaping the future citizens of this world. With over 50 years of experience in imparting knowledge, skills and ethics to young women, Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous has always fulfilled this responsibility. Founded in 1966 as a minority Christian College managed by the society of sisters of St. Joseph of Tarbes, JNC has remained steadfast in its goal of providing a balanced and comprehensive education in the liberal arts, sciences and commerce and management.
The education of women has been linked to their empowerment. We, as a women’s college, endeavour to empower our students. With female students from varied backgrounds and with different skill sets and talents, JNC focuses on equity, inclusion and nurturing diversity. In recognition of our long history of commitment to excellence, service and relevance, we have collected various honors and received several awards along the way. But more than these awards, it is through the success and love of our students that we gauge our value. The professional and personal growth of our students which we witness in the transformation that they undergo during their time here is truly rewarding.
One of our core values is faith in God. Faith is confidence in what we have and assurance in what we do not see. Through hardwork and intense faith, the foundation of this college was laid. I am grateful to our sisters and staff who have worked tirelessly to build this incredible institution. We now have the responsibility to take it forward. In these times of change, we continue to strive, unafraid to trust the unknown future to a known God. I pray that we continue to learn, to care, to love, to forgive, to understand, to accept and honour the uniqueness of each person and celebrate this precious gift of life with one another.
Education is a priceless gift. And we are indeed fortunate to have received this precious gift. So we do have a responsibility towards our nation and society. With deep faith in God, self and humankind, may we be awakened to the compassion towards humanity within us, to be sensitive citizens who dare to care; to be the voice of the voiceless and make a significant difference. May the Almighty God grant us a generous heart to share what we have, live in harmony and peace and give us the strength to build a society of committed women who are empowered to empower.
Thank You.
God bless us as we let our Light Shine!!!
Dr. Sr. Mary Louisa .S